Setup Your Own RetroPie
Jun 11, 2024
- Raspberry pi 4 or higher
- microSD card (bigger the better)
- Power source
- 5.1V 5A for pi 5
- 5.1V 3A for pi 4
- Monitor or TV connected through MicroHDMI → HDMI
- Keyboard
- Gamepad
- Cooling (Not strictly required but Pi can get pretty hot when playing PS1 games or higher)
- Speakers
- Ethernet
Installing RetroPie (Pi 5 only)
boot up your Pi with Raspberry Pi OS, and open the terminal
Ensure git is installed:
sudo apt install git lsb-release
- (For me it was already installed)
Then download the RetroPie-Setup script:
cd git clone --depth=1 <>
Then execute the script:
cd RetroPie-Setup chmod +x sudo ./
Now you will be in RetroPie-Setup.
Adding ROMs
- Right-click your “roms” folder and choose “copy as path”
- Copy over your ROMs with the command:
scp -r <roms folder path>\\* <username>@<pi ip address>:~/RetroPie/roms/